Motor Vehicle Accidents – Personal Injury Lawyers

Motor vehicle accidents can gravely injure people and devastate their finances. Even if a victim is fortunate enough to escape without permanent injury, the costs of hospitalization, surgeries, ongoing therapies, lost wages and other damages can crush a victim’s spirit along with their finances. More on this website
Nothing can undo the physical damages that car accidents cause, but a good lawyer can make a significant difference in the result of an injury claim. For more than 35 years, our firm has represented clients needing legal help. For more than 16 of those years, the practice consisted of representing insurance companies in personal injury litigation. Because of this, I know how insurance adjusters and insurance attorneys approach and evaluate cases.personal injury lawyers - car accidents

If you were injured in a motor vehicle accident due to the negligence of another party, we can hold that party and his or her insurer accountable for their financial liabilities to you. We can assist you in a wide variety of situations, including:

Commercial truck wrecks involving tractor-trailers, logging trucks and other commercial vehicles
Drunk driving accidents
Distracted driving accidents involving inattention, cellphones and texting
Intersection collisions
Rear-end collisions
Interstate highway collisions
Rural highway collisions
Collisions caused by poorly maintained vehicles or road surfaces
Collisions resulting in catastrophic injuries, including burns, paralysis and other severe injuries
Collisions resulting in wrongful death

Free Consultation

With the assistance of auto accident reconstructionists, medical doctors, vocational rehabilitation specialists and other experts, I can help you get the medical, financial and legal relief you need, both in and out of court. I will leave no stone unturned in pursuing an outcome that will restore your dignity, give you peace of mind and make you financially whole again.

For more information and a free initial consultation, contact us today.

Caring For Your Smile – You Want It To Last For A Lifetime

Brush with a soft bristle toothbrush after meals with a fluoride toothpaste for at least 2 minutes or about 10 seconds per tooth, to remove the sticky, colorless film on your teeth called “plaque”. Plaque contains bacteria, food and saliva. Plaque is your enemy. Brushing only cleans 60% of the tooth surface. It is especially important to brush at bedtime because the cleansing/protective action of saliva decreases during sleep. When children less than 8 years old are using fluoride toothpaste, they should be supervised to make sure that they only use a pea-sized amount of toothpaste and that they spit the toothpaste out when done brushing. If the space between adjacent teeth permits use an interproximal brush that looks like a pipe cleaner on a handle, to clean that space. If the space between adjacent teeth is too small for an interproximal brush, use dental floss. Brushing keeps your breath fresh.a great smile - orthodontics
Floss by hand with regular dental floss or floss by hand using the DenTek Braces Clean Angled Floss Pick or use a battery-powered Waterpik Power Flosser or floss with Oral B Superfloss, once a day to clean the 40% of a tooth surface that cannot be reached by your toothbrush.

Rinse with a plaque and gingivitis fighting mouth rinse like Crest Pro-Health Rinse for 30 seconds twice a day.

Eat healthy foods preferably those with low acid content. You never outgrow the risk of cavities. Limit the amount and the number of times sugary liquids and hard candy eaten each day to avoid white spot and cavity formation. Eat starches and sugars at mealtimes rather than as in-between-meal snacks. Each time you eat or drink sugary foods, the germs in your mouth make acid that destroys tooth surfaces. The acid attack lasts 20-40 minutes and restarts all over again with each sip or bite. Even diet sodas can be harmful to your teeth because they contain acidic additives. Clear snacks from your teeth as soon as possible; even a simple swish and rinse with water will help.

Drink plenty of water because saliva is your body’s natural defense against tooth decay. Saliva helps wash away acids from your teeth and saliva contains minerals to help repair your teeth.

Never ignore bleeding gums. You never outgrow the risk of gum disease. If you have bleeding gums, you have a problem. Have your teeth evaluated for inflammation/bleeding risk by your family dentist at least twice a year. Bacteria from your mouth can get in your bloodstream and may cause serious problems in other parts of your body. Only your dentist can determine whether inflammation-causing bacteria are located beyond the reach of your toothbrush and need professional removal by your dentist. Gum disease can increase the tendency for teeth to relapse to their former positions after orthodontic treatment is completed.orthodontic treatment

Keep up with your dental checkups. Have your dentist apply fluoride varnish to your teeth two to four times a year while you are in braces because having braces places you in a high caries risk category.

Have your dentist apply plastic sealants to the grooves on the biting surfaces of the permanent molars if a risk assessment places you in a moderate to high-risk category.

Wear a mouth guard during sports especially contact sports. Sixty percent of facial injuries occur during sports practice with five million teeth knocked out each year in the USA. If an injury occurs, know what to do.

Wear your retainer after your braces are removed to keep your teeth from moving out of alignment. If you slip up and don’t wear your retainer enough to keep your teeth as straight as you want them, go back and see your orthodontist. Orthodontists know that you are only human and that you are not the first patient who has needed help to get back on track. Maybe your present retainer just needs an adjustment; maybe you need an appliance of a different design to recover; or maybe you need to go back into braces briefly. Your orthodontist has seen and heard it all before, so give your orthodontist a chance to help you.

Avoid tongue piercing which can crack teeth, damage fillings, cause nerve damage, stimulate excessive drooling, accelerate development of metal allergies, cause tongue swellings serious enough to block your airway, introduce bacteria into your blood causing systemic infection, cause gaps to develop between your upper front teeth and irritate your gums causing gum recession.

Wear a nightguard if you have a tooth grinding habit .

Avoid using smoking and chewing tobacco products and limit alcohol consumption.

Buckle up in your car. A seat belt and shoulder harness can keep your face from striking the steering wheel or dash during minor accidents. You can find

Auto Insurance Can Help Cover The Cost Of The Car

Auto insurance doesn’t just insure your vehicle, it can also cover medical expenses from a vehicle wreck as well as protecting you from being sued for additional expenses from being in a wreck. This article can help you choose the right amounts of coverage in the right areas to protect all of your assets. auto insuranceMore information
Auto insurance for young drivers is very costly. You can save some money by choosing the right kind of car for your teenager to drive. If you allow your teen to drive the Mustang, prepare to pay through the roof. If, on the other hand, you restrict your teen to the most “beater”-like car you own, your premiums will be notably lower.
Check out your actual insurance costs before heading to the car dealership. Different types of cars carry different premium amounts. Check with your agent on the types and models of cars you are looking at to see which one makes the most financial sense. Being armed with this information at the car lot, will help you make a better deal.
Remove towing from your car insurance. Removing towing will save money. Proper maintenance of your car and common sense may ensure that you will not need to be towed. Accidents do happen, but they are rare. It usually comes out a little cheaper in the end to pay out of pocket.
Do not forget to update your car insurance policy if you relocate. Even if you are only moving a few miles away, make the changes. You may not like what you see, though, because premiums are set by zip code. In one town it could be higher because the theft and collision rates are higher.
Take a close look at your auto policy and take off any “extras” that you won’t use. For example, you might have emergency roadside assistance included in your plan. If you don’t think you are going to use this, drop it in order to decrease the amount you are spending on your insurance. Your agent can help you figure out what else might apply.
Shop around for car insurance instead of renewing it. When it comes time to renew, many car owners do just that. They renew their car insurance. Instead of renewing, take a look around at other providers. Your situation might have changed or you might be able to find a better deal.

Auto insurance

car Insurance

It is essential to understand what exactly you are covered for. One of the most complete types of insurance is called comprehensive. Comprehensive is considerably more expensive, but covers you even in strange situations like fires, floods and vandalism. Most of the time you will not need this, but in some situations, it can be a lifesaver.
As already put forth, auto insurance protects so much more than just your car. It can be the difference between being sued or having your insurance company take care of details like that for you. By using the information in this article and choosing the right insurance, you can protect your car, your passengers, and your assets. Find some great information here @ Https://